Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona

The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona Announces Changes to its Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Legacy Foundation bid a fond farewell to Board Director Joe Delgado at the June Board meeting. Mr. Delgado, from Bisbee, Arizona, completed his third and final term on the Board at the end of June after ten years of dedicated service to the Foundation. Mr. Delgado began on the Board in 2014, just a year after the inception of the Legacy Foundation. Joe was a member of the Philanthropy Committee, committed to hours of reading pages and pages of grant applications in preparation for funding decisions. He chaired the Philanthropy Committee from 2020-2024. Polly Gosa has been appointed current Philanthropy Committee chairwoman.

Margaret Hepburn, CEO of the Legacy Foundation commented;

“Joe Delgado has been an amazing Legacy Foundation Board director.  He has served faithfully on the Philanthropy Committee and has been a very engaged Board director. Joe has been a role model for other Board directors and an exceptional mentor for new directors. Joe will be sadly missed by the Board and certainly by me personally”.

Two new Board Directors joined the Board on July 1st. Brian Barkdull from Thatcher was a previous Board member from 2014-2020. Mr. Barkdull was Board Chair from 2018-2020 before leaving the Board to endeavor on a mission trip afield. He is retired from American Southwest Credit Union as its CEO. Mr. Barkdull will be joining the Foundation’s Finance Committee.

Wendy Conger from Willcox is an educator at Benson Primary School. As a Board Director, she will be joining the Foundation’s Philanthropy Committee.

Best wishes, Joe, and thank you for your many years of service to the community. Welcome to the Board, Brian and Wendy. The Foundation is glad to have you both onboard.

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