Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona
We partner with some of the best nonprofit professionals in Southern Arizona to provide educational workshops focused on the in’s and out’s of running a nonprofit. These workshops provide a great opportunity to network with other area nonprofit organizations. They are typically held the third Friday of the month at 9:00 AM, but dates and time my vary.
LFSAZ - Board Governance Technical Support for nonprofits
Tuesday, April 1 2025
In Person or via ZOOM
Each month, the Legacy Foundation offers onsite, one-on-one, technical support for nonprofits. Technical support can be access in-person or via ZOOM. Whether in person or via ZOOM take advantage of the great knowledge from great subject matter experts. FREE!
Board Governance is offered the 1st Tuesday of every month, you can schedule a one hour appointment between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Dr. Lanny Kope brings years of successful Board experience to the table, just for you! If you have questions about Board member relations, recruiting, problem Board members or more, Dr. Kope has the answer!
Email or call Susan at the Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona, info@lfsaz.org / 520-335-6015 to schedule a time to meet with Dr. Kope.
LFSAZ - Grant Writing Technical Support for nonprofits
Wednesday, April 9 2025
In Person or via ZOOM
Each month, the Legacy Foundation offers onsite, one-on-one, technical support for nonprofits. Technical support can be access in-person or via ZOOM. Whether in-person or via ZOOM take advantage of the great knowledge from great subject matter experts. FREE!
Grant Writing & Research is offered the 2nd Wednesday of every month where you can schedule a one hour appointment between 12:00 - 3:00 pm.
Melanie Greene shares her expertise on how to write a grant for success, how to search and find grants, or other grant questions you may have. If you need help, she's here for you.
Email or call Susan at the Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona, info@lfsaz.org / 520-335-6015 to schedule a time to meet with Melanie Greene.
LFSAZ - Nonprofit Finance 101 Technical Support for nonprofits
Thursday, April 17 2025
In Person or via ZOOM
Each month, the Legacy Foundation offers onsite, one-on-one, technical support for nonprofits. Technical support can be access in-person or via ZOOM. Whether in-person or via ZOOM take advantage of the great knowledge from great subject matter experts. FREE!
Finance is offered the 3rd Thursday of every month for a one hour appointment between 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Bruce Norton shares his many years of experience in nonprofit finance to help you build budgets, explain financial reports, or answer other finance questions. If you have questions, he's here to help!
Email or call Susan at the Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona, info@lfsaz.org / 520-335-6015 to schedule a time to meet with Bruce Norton.