Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona

Fast Pitch Grants Awarded

The Legacy Foundation awarded $28,559 in Fast Pitch grants on February 23rd to thirteen nonprofit organizations. Fast Pitch grants provide funding for organizations to update their technology or software needs, or for education such as conferences, speakers, or training to build capacity of the organization. Grants are awarded up to $2,500 for a one-year project.

Congratulations to the following organizations:

Arizona Rangers – $700 

The grant will provide CPR training to twenty-eight Rangers

Bisbee Holistic Wellness Center, Inc. – $2,500     

The grant will provide education on needed strategic planning and team-building with the Board and Practitioners of the Bisbee Holistic Wellness Center

Bisbee Restoration Association and Historical Society, Inc. – $1,010         

The grant will assist with archiving museum contents and recreate exhibits that have been removed for archiving.  We also want to ensure that contact with the public is as safe as possible using the Square “contactless” terminal      

Bisbee Science Exploration & Research Center – $2,500 

The grant will be used to fund travel costs for the three representatives from the Bisbee Science Exploration and Research Center, Inc. to attend the Association of Science and Technology Centers Conference in September 2022               

Boys and Girls Club of Sierra Vista – $2,500          

The grant will be used for the education and training of our new Resource Development Staff. In order for our organization to be at its strongest, our Resource Development staff needs to participate in strong and ongoing training

Douglas ARC – $2,278     

The grant will be used to replace old computers and provide staff training and education to do their job efficiently and accurately          

Ecotopia – $2,500             

The grant will be used for a printer that interfaces with our MacBook Air 2021, Adobe Pro, GoDaddy Renewal, Mounted prints, Business Cards, Banner and an outside consultant

Love Muziq Operation 13:2 – $2,280       

The grant will pay for flights and hotel for 4 directors to attend a Directors’ Meeting in Los Angeles California

National Alliance on Mental Illness Southeastern Arizona (NAMI) – $2,500           

The grant will be used to purchase two laptops and accessories for our NAMI on Campus Club to use solely for NAMI business, information, and communications and to provide the classes and materials for the NAMI on Campus officers

Patagonia Regional Times – $2,500          

The grant will be used for journalist development and training for our 18 volunteer writers, QuickBooks training for nonprofits for our bookkeeper, and a computer for our ad manager/administrative assistant to assist in graphic design

PMHDC Southwest Medical Aid Internal Technology – $2,500

The grant will be used to provide PSMA with an updated inventory database

Willcox Community Food Pantry – $2,467

The grant will be used to upgrade our current technology resources        

Willcox Theater and Arts, Inc. – $2,324   

The grant will be used to engage a consulting firm to restart our capital campaign and conduct an organizational review; purchase a license to research new funders and a laptop for virtual learning and conferences.  

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